Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Birth Announcement: Born in Sarasota!

Welcome to Born in Sarasota: Healthier Birth on Florida's Gulf Coast. This is a collective of thoughts, articles, birth announcements, events, and evidence in action supporting healthy, normal childbirth in our community.

We are dedicated to promoting choices in mother-friendly maternity care providers and practices, informed consent for our pregnant families, and increased support of normal childbirth.Do you have a birth story or birth photos to share? Please submit them here! Sharing your positive birth experiences will help empower others. I look forward to seeing what grows here!


  1. Congratulations on the arrival of this fantastic resource for mothers, families and maternity care providers! I can't wit to watch it develop. How do we submit something?

  2. Thanks Mama Bird! Please use the Email link in my sidebar!

  3. Welcome to blogging, Laura. And, thanks for all you do for mothers and babies.
    Gloria Lemay, Vancouver BC

  4. It was nice meeting you!/ Thanks for the wonderful blog:) keep up the great work
